As consumers of Stark County TASC services, one can expect certain rights. These rights include:
- The right to be treated with consideration and respect for personal dignity, autonomy and privacy;
- The right to service in a humane setting which is the least restrictive as defined in your case plan;
- The right to be informed of one’s own condition, of proposed or current services, of treatment or therapies and the alternatives;
- The right to consent to or refuse any service, treatment or therapy on behalf of a minor client;
- The right to a current written individualized Case Plan that addresses one’s own mental health, physical health, social and economic needs and that specifies the provision of appropriate and adequate services, as available, either directly or by referral.
- The right to active and informed participation in the establishment, periodic review and reassessment of the Case Plan;
- The right to freedom from unnecessary or excessive medication;
- The right to freedom from unnecessary restraint or seclusion;
- The right to participate in any appropriate and available agency services, regardless of refusal of one or more other services, treatments or therapies, or regardless of relapse from earlier treatment in that or another service, unless there is a valid and specific necessity which precludes and/or requires the client’s participation in other services. This shall be explained to the client and written in the client’s current service plan;
- The right to be informed of and refuse any hazardous treatment procedures;
- The right to be advised of and refuse observation by techniques such as one-way vision mirrors, tape recorders, television, movies or photographs;
- The right to have the opportunity to consult with independent treatment specialists or legal counsel at one’s own expense;
- The right to be informed in advance of the reason(s) for discontinuance of service provision and to be involved in the planning of the consequences of that event;
- The right to receive an explanation of the reasons for denial of services;
- The right to not be discriminated against in the provision of service regardless of race, ethnicity, age, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, handicap or other developmental disabilities, HIV infection, AIDS related complex or AIDS;
- The right to know the cost of services;
- The right to be fully informed of all rights;
- The right to exercise any and all rights without reprisal in any form;
- The right to file a grievance regarding how you are treated as a client;
- The right to have oral and written instructions for filing a grievance.
In addition:
To ensure the promotion of the rights of persons served by Stark County TASC, Inc. the following rights are recognized in accordance to CARF standards.
Stark County TASC, Inc. and its officers, employees, and agents will not use or disclose an individual’s protected health information for any purpose without the properly documented consent or authorization of the client or his/her authorized representative unless required to do so by federal and or state law or regulation; unless an emergency exists; or, unless the information has been sufficiently de-identified that the recipient would be unable to link the information to the client. Program staff shall not convey to a person outside of the program that a client attends or receives services from this program or disclose any information identifying a client as an alcohol or other drug services client unless:
- Client consents in writing.
- Disclosure is allowed by court order.
- Disclosure is made to medical personnel in a medical emergency.
- Disclosure is made to qualified personnel for research, audit, or program evaluation.
- Crimes committed by a client, either at the program or against any person who works for the program, or about any threat to commit such a crime is not protected.
- There is cause for suspicion of child abuse or neglect. Under Ohio law staff must contact the appropriate state or local authorities when suspicion of child abuse or neglect is suspected.
Violation of the Federal Law and regulation is a crime. Suspected violations may be reported to the appropriate authorities.